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Obtain expert witness evidence in the form of a country

report for your political asylum case
Refuge and Protection of Human Rights Worldwide

We work with asylum seekers in the following countries:

At "The Human Right," we offer specialized expert reports for lawyers, courts, and tribunals.

Our product, "The Human Rights Country Expert Report," is designed to provide reliable and comprehensive information about the conditions in the countries of origin of asylum seekers.

We collaborate with leading experts who have deep knowledge of the specifics of various countries, allowing us to create compelling reports that withstand rigorous scrutiny.

Expert reports on your country of origin for asylum proceedings in court

— Hello, my name is Maxim Kharitonov, founder of The Human Rights. Let's figure out how we can help you
  • International Lawyer
  • Immigration Consultant
  • Human Rights Consultant
  • Expert on CIS countries, whose reports are commissioned by British and American law firms
You can learn more about my expertise on the page

— First, about the countries we specialize in

We are experts on the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS):

  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Tajikistan
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Moldova
  • Georgia
We work with the support of

What is a country expert report and how does it work?

The judicial system does not possess information on all the nuances of human rights violations in every country, which is why a country expert report on your birthplace, where you are facing illegal persecution or from which you are seeking asylum, is considered as evidence.
In each country, we collaborate with local lawyers and human rights organizations. This allows us to obtain reliable information and an objective assessment of the situation in the country as part of your asylum case.

Our company is comprised of a network of independent experts on CIS countries

from both public sources that are reliable and recognized by authorities and courts, as well as private resources specific to each country.

The comprehensive report is formulated based on materials

including a "declaration of authenticity" for the information provided by each participant in the report, which entails legal responsibility.

The report is issued under the label "The Human Rights Country Expert Report

including the presence of experts during the hearing of your case in court.

The court considers this report as expert witness testimony

— Let's now examine the principles that allow the court to consider our country expert report


the most significant contribution to the results is provided by the vast amount of daily intellectual work conducted by a team of analysts, researchers, and journalists.
We employ the best specialists in the market, each of whom is a true enthusiast in their field.
The founder of "The Human Rights" organization is a distinguished publicist and researcher in the field of human rights in the CIS countries. He holds the position of the chief expert in the preparation of country reports, where his competencies and deep knowledge contribute to the identification and analysis of key issues in the field of human rights. Thanks to his targeted work, the organization not only reveals current challenges but also offers practical recommendations for their resolution, making a significant contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights on the international stage.
Maksim Kharitonov
Tatyana is a human rights advocate and expert assistant editor specializing in preparing expert reports on the country. With significant experience in researching and analyzing legal and social issues, Tatyana is focused on human rights protection. Her work includes preparing detailed analytical reports, assessing political and social transformations, and developing strategies to improve human rights conditions in various regions. Tatyana actively collaborates with international and non-governmental organizations, contributing to the advancement and protection of human rights on a global scale.
Tatyana Pavolotskaya


we have our own resources and reliable sources that enable us to provide unique information
In each country, we collaborate with local lawyers and human rights organizations. This allows us to obtain reliable information and an objective assessment of the situation in the country within the framework of your asylum case.
We have a network of independent experts across the CIS countries
Reports from leading international human rights organizations such as the UN and the Red Cross
Reports and research from objective sources (European Parliament, Presidential Administration)
Information from media outlets and journalists recognized by the authorities


personal responsibility of the founder and country expert - Maxim Kharitonov
— As the founder, I personally sign the Statement of Trust.
In my reports, I adhere to the accuracy of facts and stand by the correctness of my opinions. My reports comply with the recommendations outlined in the Supreme Court's Instruction on Expert Evidence issued on February 10, 2010, and are consistent with Rule 35 of civil procedure.
I specialize in issues related to political persecution in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). My expertise is broad and includes corruption, repression, torture, violence in prisons, and other conditions of deprivation of liberty. I have deep knowledge of mechanisms for suppressing opposition, particularly focusing on Navalny and the Anti-Corruption Foundation. My expertise extends to political persecution, persecution related to mobilization, war crimes, and persecution on false criminal charges. I also have knowledge of cases of persecution following the seizure of businesses, among other relevant topics.
I have also graduated from the Moscow State Law University with a specialization in International Law.

As a citizen of Russia, born in Moscow, I was granted refugee status in the United Kingdom, which is evidence of my anti-corruption efforts in Russia. Since 2018, I have been involved in anti-corruption investigations, starting my journey as a victim of corruption. This personal experience propelled me towards broader engagement in human rights advocacy and activism. This transition from victim to active human rights defender not only reflects my commitment to fighting corruption but also highlights my significant contribution to the global human rights dialogue.
I am the creator of the YouTube channel "Human Rights," where I regularly publish episodes on the situation in various post-Soviet countries where human rights are violated. I monitor the situation, track conflicts and events in their territories, and discuss these issues.

My expertise covers a significant part of the post-Soviet space, with particular attention to the following countries:

My primary focus area, given my personal history and professional experience, includes political persecution, corruption, and human rights violations in Russia, including the suppression of political opposition.



The human rights situation in Tajikistan, including political persecution and freedom of speech, is part of my specialized knowledge base.


Known for its rich cultural heritage and complex history, Armenia faces its unique set of challenges and developments in the field of human rights and anti-corruption efforts.


With significant natural resources, Azerbaijan's political climate and human rights issues, particularly concerning freedom of speech and political dissent, are areas of my specialized knowledge.


In recent years, Belarus has been at the center of international attention due to political repression and the government's response to protests. My expertise covers current human rights violations and the political situation in the country.


Making significant strides in anti-corruption reforms, Georgia still grapples with issues of political freedom and human rights, themes upon which I have focused my efforts.


With its vast resources and strategic location, human rights issues in Kazakhstan, including freedom of speech and assembly, fall within my expertise.


The dynamic political landscape of Kyrgyzstan and issues related to freedom of speech, political persecution, and corruption are areas I have closely worked on.


One of the most closed and repressive countries in the world, Turkmenistan presents unique challenges regarding human rights and freedoms, areas with which I am deeply familiar.


With a change in leadership, Uzbekistan has witnessed significant changes in the field of human rights and anti-corruption efforts. My expertise covers these changes.
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For more information about "The Human Rights Country Expert Report" and how we can assist you or your clients, please contact us directly. At "The Human Right," we are always ready to support you in the defense and promotion of human rights.

— Когда требуется экспертный отчет?

  • В основном наши услуги востребованы на этапе апелляции, когда дело мигранта о предоставлении убежища было отклонено. В таких ситуациях наш отчет может сыграть ключевую роль, предоставляя судьям убедительные доказательства, требующие тщательного рассмотрения.

  • Но более опытные адвокаты не дожидаются отказа в предоставлении убежища и заказывают отчет по стране у экспертов на этапе первого слушания, что увеличивает шансы в получении положительного решения.

How do we work in conjunction with lawyers:


Lawyer handling of the case: After selecting and agreeing on a lawyer, he takes over the management of your case in the immigration system, providing professional support at all stages.


Translation support: We provide translation services and accompany you to meetings with a lawyer, ensuring that you understand all the details of the process and communicate effectively.


The general report is formed on the basis of materials from both public, reliable and recognized by the authorities and the court sources, as well as closed resources, of each specific country.


The report is released under the label of The Human Rights Country Expert Report, including a “declaration of authenticity” of the information provided by each of the defendants in the report, entailing legal responsibility.


The Court regards this report as evidence as well. Including the presence of experts during the hearing of your case in court.
— Sign up for a free consultation with an immigration consultant

— About our approach to work

Following Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules, we emphasize the necessity of accurate and independent presentation of expert evidence, aiming for complete transparency and accountability in our work. Our approach ensures that each expert report reflects the truth and provides the court with all necessary data to make an informed decision.

Duties of the Expert Witness

Our Approach
We meticulously analyze the situation in each country to ensure our reports are not only informative but also up-to-date. Recognizing the importance of rapid response, we ensure the timely preparation of reports, combining this with high quality and detailed research. Our goal is to provide our clients with reliable documents that can serve as a strong foundation for defending their cases.
Every expert in our team undergoes rigorous selection, ensuring that they not only possess deep knowledge but also adhere to the highest standards of integrity and confidentiality. We strive to ensure that our work contributes to strengthening the protection of human rights and justice on an international scale.

Quality and Reliability

Our reports evaluate two key aspects:

  • The conformity of factual statements to the context in which they arose.
  • The consequences of the facts or events for the applicant, especially in the context of the risk of persecution.

We strive to ensure that each report provides an objective and independent analysis, aiding judicial bodies in making informed decisions.
We understand that the asylum application process can be complex and stressful. At "The Human Right," we aim to alleviate this burden by providing support at every stage of the process—from preparing the expert report to presenting it in court. Our experts are ready to attend hearings in person or via video link to provide additional evidence or clarifications on issues that arise during legal proceedings.

Support at Every Step

Our Principles


We guarantee that each report is independent and not subject to external influence, ensuring its objectivity and reliability.


Our experts provide unbiased opinions, strictly based on facts and data.


We are committed to thorough analysis and presentation of all relevant facts, not omitting any significant details that could influence the outcome of the case.


Any assumptions or limitations in our reports are clearly marked, ensuring full clarity for judges and parties involved.

— About Safety and Confidentiality

We are an official company and operate under a service agreement
Official information about the company can be found on the government website.
We were founded in April 2022.
Our address is: 86-90 Paul Street, London, England, EC2A 4NE.

Maxim Kharitonov is the founder and CEO.
Your Partner in Human Rights Protection
"The Human Rights Country Expert Report" from "The Human Right" is not just a document; it's a crucial tool in the fight for justice and human rights protection. We take pride in knowing that our reports can contribute to positive changes in people's lives, sincerely striving for every individual who seeks our assistance to receive the protection and support they deserve.

Our services are intended not only for legal professionals but for anyone facing the need to protect their rights in a foreign country. We believe in the power of truth and justice, and our mission is to make them accessible to everyone in need.

— Our Clients and Their Results During Our Collaboration

The Safarov Family
  • Country: USA
  • Status: Political asylum
  • Composition: Family of 6 people
  • Relocation period: 1 month
  • Country: USA
  • Status: Humanitarian parole, political asylum
  • Composition: Family of 3 people
  • Relocation period: 2 weeks
Your gratitude is the main motivation that makes us work hard and help families receive humanitarian and other assistance.

Happy families with positive feedback and gratitude

Helped 200+ families move to the USA
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for an initial presentation, Q&A session, demonstration of the contract, and calculation of all relocation options and asylum application.
This meeting does not commit you to anything

— Legal companies we collaborate with

— Video on the channel

— Articles and instructions

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